Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yeggsam time!!!

Yeggsam time!!!
Woah. My. Gad.

the exams are here!!



And you know what the funniest part about exams is? Its precisely the time when you get to know exactly how jobless your friends are.
Trust me on this, I have been hit by a shock of revelation. And to think that I thought I was one of the most jobless people on the earth.
You get so many messages from every one. And when you see the header it says something like "Exam paper leaked", or "Important qns, definite in paper"...
And the moment you see those words you jump for joy, and think "Woohoo!! i ll rock the exam \m/."

You actually take a look at the rest of the message. Thats when the shock hits you. They write down SO MANY things, you get amazingly nervous.

Think of this. My friend sent me an email ("Yea! I got the questions!"), apparently the exam paper had been leaked in certain colleges. And once I opened it, I had to open this in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Here comes the best part.

There were 42 questions in it. FORTY TWO. :O

For gods sake, there are only EIGHT in the actual paper!! And thats when you realise "Oh my god, all this guy has done is ripped off whatever's in the physics textbook".

And so, after deep thought and consideration of the current scenario, I'm here to offer my advice.

Take this seriously, this will help you not only pass, but pass with flying colours. Trust me. Ok, brace yourself.

Step 1. Study Unit 1
Step 2. Study Unit 2
Step 3. Study Unit 3
Step 4. Study Unit 4
Step 5. Study Unit 5

This should help, try it out.
Really, it should.


Well Wisher said...

Your Steps for studying are easy to type, tough to follow upon :)

KSK said...

One Gem of a write....\m/